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Wave is open-source and, as such, grows (or shrinks) & improves in part due to the community. The goal here is to make contributions clear, make sure there is a history, and most importantly, to give credit where credit is due.

Fork It!#

This is the preferred method for contributions. Simply create a GitHub fork, commit changes to the fork, and then open up a pull request.

  1. Download the GitHub for Windows Client
  2. Login or sign-up on GitHub.
  3. Fork the Wave project.


The list of outstanding feature requests and issues can be found on our on our GitHub issue tracker. Pick an unassigned issue that you think you can accomplish, add a comment that you are attempting to do it, and shortly your own personal label matching your GitHub ID will be assigned to that issue.

Submit Issues#

We know we aren’t perfect, so please submit issues it’s easy.

  • Check the master to make sure you’re not wasting your (and our) time, you should be using the latest version before you submit your issue. First of all, you should download the latest nightly build to be sure you have the latest version. If you’ve done this and you still experience the issue, go ahead to the next step.

  • Now that you have the latest version and still think you’ve found a issue, please search through the issue tracker to see if anyone else has already submitted it. If you find that someone has submitted your issue already, please go to the next step anyway, but instead of submitting a new issue, comment on the one you’ve found. If you can’t find your issue, go to the next step.

  • When submitting the issue, use the following guidelines to help provide the most useful information in issue reports. The better your issue report, the higher the chance that your issue will be addressed quickly.

  • Title: A good title explains the problem in clear and specific terms, but is often concise enough to fit within the default summary space. One should be able to tell exactly what a issue is about just by reading the title.

  • Comments: Write a more detailed explanation of the problem, do not include more than one issue in one issue report and include a relevant screenshots.

  • Once your issue is submitted, a comment will be added at each stage in the issue life cycle. After the issue is considered fixed, you may be asked to download the latest and confirm that the fix works for you.


Your feedback is important, make suggestions for improvements, issues or new features. If you have a suggestion please submit an issue on our GitHub issue tracker.


The documentation is just as important as the features of Wave, and let’s face the facts, developers aren’t the best at documentation.